Image Attribution: “Jelly Jars by Mary Pratt” by Terryl Atkins is licensed under CC BY-SA. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada (See interactive map)


This small painting by contemporary Canadian artist Mary Pratt is within the genre of super- or photo-realism. It also sit within a tradition of realistic descriptive painting that started in the Renaissance, far before photographs, but with the development of aids to meticulous viewing that were all precursors to the camera and photographic seeing such as the camera lucida, camera obscura and single point perspective.

Small paintings of domestic concerns such as these jelly jars and other food-based arrangements sit within the genre of still-life painting, whereas the realism sits historically within Trompe l’oeil (to fool the eye). Historically, many women artists painted within both traditions of still-life and Trompe l’oeil.