Image Attribution: “Staples” by Staples is licensed under a different open license (). Kamloops, BC, Canada (See interactive map)


Paytten Yurkiw

The advertisement that I will be analyzing is hanging in the staples store here in Kamloops. This billboard shows a mother helping her daughter with her school work. This advertisement is meant to make people feel that this store had all the answers to your questions. Here I will be going further into describing what is in the image and what the significance is and why it was designed the way it was. 

In the image in the center there is the mother and child close together working on school work. The further you go out the room around them looks bright and clean and like a comfortable place to work in. when you look from top to bottom you see the image at the top then it fades to black which is where you see the text for the ad. From right to left you see the child interested in what is on the screen and the mother looking happy to help and from how their arms are touching you can tell it tries to portray that they are close . In the image the background is plain and slightly blurred to draw attention away from it and to the foreground where there is more colour and the image is more clear.

The message in the image it is trying to portray is that with the help form the company’s help you can get the environment you need to help keep your kids engaged with their school work now that it is at home, this can be shown by the text in the ad. It is also making it look like with the help of the company you will be able to have a better work environment just like the mother and daughter are in the image. 

This ad was found in the Staples in Kamloops BC and with the company being a mostly office and school supply store so when shopping you can see that the company is able to help with a solution to help with school at home. When you enter the store this sign is one that is right at the front of an aisle so it is in clear view and it depicts one of the store’s logos. 

I am currently an employee of the company so I am considerably familiar with staples. I know from complaints that can be found on the google reviews and from complaints directly from customers that the company has major issues with the online store and websites with them being difficult to use and hard to navigate. When it comes to the company being environmentally friendly they have a recycling center for properly disposing of items such as ink, batteries, pens, and small tech items. The store also sells more eco friendly containers for lunches for examples as well as their own brands paper being made from recycled materials. This can be shown on the staples website.