Image Attribution: “VISA 1500” by Outside Magazine is licensed under CC0. (See interactive map)


Micah Watson 

Terryl Atkins  

VISA 1500_01 

September 23, 2020 

Assignment 1: Part A 


This advertisement is on the front cover of an Outside magazine. The cover of the magazine is showing a fit woman in sport attire. It is created to inspire people to get motivated and participate in outdoor sports and activitiesAnother intention of this ad is also to inspire the reader to buy the advertised sports gear inside the magazine. The model in the photo on the cover page is L. Renee Blount. She is an active mountain climber.  The photograph captures the happiness that she is feeling from doing a sport she loves. She has got a huge smile on her face which shows that you too can be happy being outside and doing different sports and activities 

The image has bight eye catching colors to look at. This makes reader look closer at what is in the picture. You can see the model wearing a bright red bandana around her neck, a white long sleeve shirt with a small brand logoblue jeans that are cuffed at the bottom, and climbing shoes. Her facing is glowing with the reflection of sunlight shine off it. This gives warmth to the photo. The magazine logo is also a bright yellow, which is a color that is correlated to happiness. 

This advertisement conveys the idea of being outside equals being happy. This message sells the idea to the reader that if they are not outside doing the same activities, you will not be as happy as the model on the cover page. With this it makes you want to try whatever the magazine shows you which may convince the reader to buy what the magazine is selling.  

The image immediately caught my eye and I wanted to take a deeper look at the pictureWhat caught my eye was the beautifulhappy looking woman. It is a pleasing picture to look at as the model is in focus and the background blurred out, giving her the center of attention. With the fit, young, happy looking woman on the cover it made me want to be has happy as she is. I feel like everyone in life strives for happiness so when you see someone happy you want to know what is creating that feeling so that you can create it for yourself. With this idea in mind you can attempt to capture the happiness this advertisement is trying to sell you by purchasing the advertised items inside the magazine.  

I found this advertisement on a magazine rack at my local grocery store where I go often. It was very eye catching where it was placed right near the tills to check out. While waiting in line I find my eyes start to wonder around and this magazine caught my eye and possibly many other customers as well.